Risk Management
CBI has a record of no safety violations since our inception, the highest surety rating and an excellent bonding capacity. Our Commitment to safety helps us maintain very low insurance rates. This gets passed directly to the client in our job costing.
Licensing And Surety:
CBI currently carries a $25 Million Aggregate with General Liability.
CBI carries $1 Million in Workers Compensation and
Employers Liability and $1 Million in Automobile Liability.
CBI carries the broadest forms of coverage available in our industry.
Workers Compensation Experience Modification Rate is .73.
Bonding Agent:
Mr. John Daley
Poms & Associates Insurance Brokers, Inc.
1990 North California Blvd, 8th Floor
Walnut Creek, CA 94596
CBI’s current bonding capacity is $20 Million.
California Licenses: B, C20, C36, ASB